
您现在的位置: 计算机视觉与虚拟现实研究所>>师资队伍>>博士后博士后

姓名: 刘晴/h3>

性别: 女

职称: 博士后研究员

专业: 计算机科学与技术系

电子邮件: qing.liu.411@gmail.com

通信地址: 中南大学信息科学与工程学院计算机410

研究方向: 自然图像中的显著对象检测、眼底图像分析



2011.09 - 2017.05 中南大学,计算机应用技术,博士

2015.10 – 2017.04 奥卢大学,计算机视觉与信号处理研究中心,访问学生

2007.09 - 2011.06 中南大学,计算机科学与技术,学士


2017.07 – 现在 中南大学信息科学与工程学院 博士后研究员


Image Visual Computing,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, ICCV workshop on CEFRL审稿人





1. Qing Liu, Xiaopeng Hong, Beiji Zou, Jie Chen, Guoying Zhao. Hierarchical Contour Closure based Holistic Salient Object Detection. 2017. IEEE Transaction on Image Processing.

2. Beiji Zou, Qing Liu, Kejuan Yue et al. Saliency based Optic Disc Segmentation. 2017. Chinese Journal of Electronics.

3. Qing Liu, Beiji Zou, Jie Chen, Wei Ke, Zailiang Chen, Guoying Zhao. 2017. A Location-to-Segmentation Strategy for Automatic Exudate Segmentation in Colour Retinal Fundus Images. 2017. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.

4. Qing Liu, Beiji Zou, Jie Chen, Zailiang Chen, Chengzhang Zhu, Kejuan Yue, Guoying Zhao. Retinal Vessel Segmentation From Simple to Difficult. 2016. MICCAI workshop on OMIA (Oral).

5. Beiji Zou, Qing Liu, Zailiang Chen, Shijian Liu, Xiaoyun Zhang. Saliency Detection Using Boundary Information. 2016. Multimedia Systems.

6. Zou Beiji, Qing Liu, Zailiang Chen, Hongpu Fu, Chengzhang Zhu. Surroundedness based multiscale saliency detection. 2015. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.

7. Qing Liu, Beiji Zou, Zailiang Chen, Hongpu Fu. Color Feature Based Interest Objects Detection. 2013. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (in Chinese) (EI).

